4 freelancers for "Chef"
4 freelancers for "Chef"
Musiime Henry
Software Engineer
My name is Thiago Henry. I am a Software engineer turned Airtable expert in the tech space. I lead Airvues Consulting, a team of skilled…
33 services
UGX 25,000 /hr
Arungati Daisy
Frontend Developer
Detail-oriented work is a must in my book and you will get a high-quality product from me. Please invite me to discuss how my skills…
33 services
UGX 45,000 /hr
Zainab Nansubuga
Bridal Glam
At my aunt’s salon, I watched brides sell land just to look ‘TV-ready’. Now, my team offers Kampala’s most affordable luxury—Ankara gown rentals for 50k,…
33 services
UGX 40,000 /hr
Chef Miriam Namutebi
Chief Cook
I quit a 5-star hotel job because they called Luwombo ‘peasant food’. Now, I cater weddings where smoked nswaa fish canapés steal the show from champagne! My team sources…
33 services
UGX 100,000 /day